Campaign Against Bullying

Relationship Skills

Family Resources on
Campaign Against Bullying

Lesson Topic

Students create a campaign against bullying in their school

Essential Questions

How do we spread the word to stop bullying in our own school or community?

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Anti-bullying – Brianna

Getting Ready for the Conversation

Conversation Starters and Practice at Home Activities

School to Home Resources on Campaign Against Bullying



1. Introduce the vocabulary term “campaign.” Explain how a campaign is a group of activities and communications to support a specific purpose or cause.

2. Campaigns are usually created by groups or organizations that have studied a problem and want to create ways to help change things.

3. Tell students that in this lesson they are going to launch a “campaign” to stop bullying in school.

Direct Instruction:

1. Before starting a campaign, it is important to thoroughly understand how the issue or problem, in this case bullying, affects people in the community.

2. Begin a discussion about what bullying looks like and sounds like in their world. Ask students NOT to identify specific people involved, but talk about actions in a generic way. Provide an example such as, “Some people push other kids’ faces into the water at the fountain when they are getting a drink,” or “Some kids say mean things whenever this one person walks into the room.”

3. Explain the difference between intentional bullying and comments that may not be nice, but are not really bullying. Provide examples, such as “Grant accidentally bumped into Katie in the hall,” and “Josie makes fun of Shepard’s shoes at lunch every day.”

4. Continue the discussion by asking students how they usually deal with these kinds of examples of bullying. What do they say? What do they do? How do they make a difference without making things worse for the person being bullied or for themselves? Make a visible list of their responses and discuss which ones seem to work best.

Guided Exploration (We do):

1. Read the scenarios provided and ask students to determine whether bullying is happening in each story.

2. If it is an example of bullying, they should describe what they might do or say to safely help the person being bullied. If it is not bullying, ask them to explain their answers and what the person should say or do to remedy the situation.

Independent practice

1. Ask students to think about how everyone in a community needs to be responsible for stopping bullying. This will be the message of their campaign.

Scenario One

One of the girls in the class is having a party on Saturday. Not everyone in the class has been invited. Two girls that are invited keep talking about the party at the lunch table, knowing that most of the others at the table are not invited.

Scenario Two

A group of kids is walking in the hall and someone sticks out a foot and trips one of the kids who falls down. Everyone laughs.

Scenario Three

In PE, one student stumbles and falls while dribbling the soccer ball toward the goal. A student on the other team intercepts the ball and takes it the other way.

Scenario Four

In the hallway, a few of the boys smack shoulders when they are going in opposite directions.

Scenario Five

On the playground, one student will never let another (who is smaller) near the tire swing. The other kids can hear the student calling the smaller student names and can see the bigger student pushing the smaller student’s shoulders and shoving the smaller student away.

Scenario Six

A group of girls is sitting at the lunch table. Everyday, at least two of the girls comment on what one of the girls is eating. For example, when she’s eating cookies, they tell her now they know why she looks so fat.