
Family Resources on
If It Feels Ewwy... It Probably Is

Project and Purpose

Students identify actions they can take when they come across inappropriate postings/sites online

Essential Questions

What should you do when something online makes you uncomfortable?

If this lesson was used in the classroom: Students learned what to do if they encounter inappropriate content on the internet. Part of the lesson includes a discussion about things that can be yucky or “ewwy” using slime as a discussion starter.

Getting Ready for the Conversation

The internet can be a useful and sometimes essential tool for learning. But despite all the best precautions, when students use the internet, they may sometimes find inappropriate content. This print lesson provides students with a realistic plan for the actions to take if a student comes across inappropriate internet content.

Conversation Starters and Practice at Home Activities

The first two items are for follow-up after participating in class.

Tell about the discussion from class. What did you find interesting?

Describe some of the examples of things you might come across that would be “ewwy” (or concerning). Why do you think these things are “ewwy”?

How can you tell if a website/social media post is safe or okay? Who can you ask if you are not sure?

Who should you tell if you find something inappropriate? What else should you do?

Are there any internet rules or procedures our family needs to change or adjust? Why or why not?

School to Home Resources on If It Feels Ewwy... It Probably Is


  • Introduction will be difficult to conduct in a remotely, if in a remote environment skip to ‘Direct Instruction’ section and begin
  • Gak/Slime in a clear, plastic container Directions for homemade gak/slime:
    • In a plastic container, mix 4 oz. of school glue and ½ cup water together
    • Add a drop of food coloring.
    • Set aside.
    • In a measuring glass, dissolve ½ teaspoon of borax (found in detergent sections of grocery story) with ¼ cup of warm water. Stir until borax is completely dissolved.
    • Add the borax water to the glue mixture and mix well until the gak/slime forms a blob around your spoon.
  • Hand sanitizer/soap and water to wash hands
  • Stories/Scenarios

No video accompanies this lesson.



1. Ask students to think of things that are really yucky or “ewwy” and make a face that shows how they feel about ewwy things. Ask:

  • What are the yucky things?
  • What does your face or your body do when you think of that ewwy thing?
  • What sound do you make? Why?
  • Does everyone in the world think the same things are yucky? Why or why not?

2. Bring out the gak/slime in the container and hold it up so all students can see. Ask them to describe what they see, and then ask them if they would like to touch it. Confirm that there is no right or wrong answer or action. Note: If everyone in your class enthusiastically wants to touch the gak/slime, as a teacher you might have to demonstrate thinking of it as yucky/ewwy.

3. Bring the container around the room and have volunteers put their hands into the gak/slime and describe what they feel. Do not force anyone who does not want to touch the contents to do so.

4. After going around the room with the gak/slime, ask students any/all of the following:

  • Did you have to think very long about whether or not you wanted to touch the gak/slime? Why or why not?
  • If you touched the slime, how did it make you feel?
  • If you did not touch the slime, how did thinking about touching it make you feel?
  • How did you know you wanted to/did not want to touch the gak/slime?
  • What did you do or say that let everyone else in the room know how you felt about that slime?
  • Did everyone have the same reaction? Explain your answers.

5. Put the gak/slime away and give students a chance to clean their hands.

Direct Instruction (I do):

1. Tell students that people react to things differently, but we all know when something makes us
uncomfortable. Some things just don’t feel right to do, say, look at, or touch. They make us feel “ewwy” or “yucky.” And if it feels ewwy, it probably is.

2. Explain how this is a lot like being online and suddenly a picture or some words pop up that make us uncomfortable. Ask students for some examples, being sure to include the following:

  • Inappropriate or mean-spirited pictures
  • Mean messages, emails, or texts directed at you or about people you know
  • Messages, emails, or texts from strangers, or strangers asking to meet me
  • Rude messages, emails, or texts
  • Someone asking for your name, address, school, or phone number online
  • Someone asking for your password online
  • Someone asking for a picture of you doing something inappropriate or against the rules
  • Naked people

Guided Exploration (We do):

1. What should you do when things like this online make you uncomfortable — or ewwy? Be sure to include the following in your discussion:

  • Stop! Log off the site or walk away from the screen.
  • Tell an adult you trust. (Ask students to identify who some of those trusted adults might be.)
  • Block emails, texts, or messages from that source, or ask an adult for help in doing this.

2. Ask students to discuss which step they think is the most important and explain why.

Independent Practice (You do):

1. Tell students that you are going to read them the following short stories or scenarios about something ewwy that might happen to a young person online, and they will need to finish the story to determine what the character should do. Use the scenario page provided.

2. Determine how you would like students to share their stories:

  • Individuals share with the class
  • Small groups work together to create the stories
  • Students write their stories and share at a later time
  • Another sharing routine of your choosing


Review the theme of the lesson and ask students to tell you the most important thing they should do when something feels “ewwy” when they are online