Just Once

Families » Just Once

Responsible Decision-Making

Just Once


Methamphetamine is cheap, easy to make and highly addictive – even after one use. It can be snorted, smoked or injected, causing a quick rush or flash of intense pleasure and almost immediate addiction. Watch Just Once and hear from teens and law enforcement officials about its very real and devastating health risks and behavioral dangers, and learn about what some communities are doing to fight back.


These discussion questions are provided for families to extend learning as they watch Just Once. Please note that there are images of illegal drug use and descriptions of a serious injury in the video series; please preview before showing to very young children

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1. Why do you think the video series is titled “Just Once”?
2. Why is Dr. Richard Todd worried about meth and adolescents?


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3. What are some of the unique concerns raised about meth compared to other illegal drugs?
4. Jamie Kane says, “Now I see what my life has turned out to be in such a short period of time”. If Jamie came to speak at your school, what do you think she would say? Describe why you think she would discuss the issues you mention.
5. Police officer Jason Grellner says, “A meth user says, ‘I need it and I need it constantly’”. Why do you think he says this? What are the concerns that he has about meth?
6. Jamie talked about her relationship with her father and her drug use. Why are the relationships between an adolescent and trusted adults so important in preventing the use of a dangerous, illegal drug?


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7. What do you think Mike means when he says, “It’s like I’m cut off from the world”?
8. Mike started using illegal drugs after having a disappointment in his life. What are the healthy ways for our family to deal with disappointments or setbacks? Who are the positive people in your life that can support you when something disappointing happens?
9. When Mike was cut from the baseball team, his mom says that he had too much time on his hands. What are some positive interests or activities that are available if suddenly you had “time on your hands”?
10. Why do you think Mike says, “It’s hard to be happy anymore and I’ve always got it in the back of my head that the meth is still there”?


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11. When talking about being on drugs Meghanne says, “It felt good, I felt the power, stronger”. Why is it concerning to hear someone describe addiction in this way?
12. Generally, parents want to trust their children, what advice do you think Meghanne would offer to the parents of adolescents?
13. Why does Meghanne describe herself, “I’m like one in a million”?


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14. In the opening scene, we meet Danny in the meth support group. How is he different from the other adolescents featured in the video series? What concerns does he share? Why is it important to understand his story?
15. What advice does Jamie offer?
16. What advice does Mike offer?
17. What advice does Meghanne offer?
18. What are the similarities of each person’s story? What are the differences?
19. What steps should a family take to prevent meth or any other dangerous drug from harming members of the family?
20. Describe how parents and other trusted adults support adolescents as they grow and mature.


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