Goal Settings


Family Resources on Goal Settings

Lesson Topic

Students will reflect on a goal they have and develop a plan to accomplish their goal.

Essential Question

How do I create a plan to reach a goal set for myself?

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Goal Settings

If this lesson was used in the classroom: Students reflected on goal setting and developed plans for reaching goals. In class students watched two videos, one with Ali a cross-country runner, the other with Greg who attends a military school. Both discuss goal setting and we hear from other people who are also invested in each students’ goals. Students participated in discussions about goal setting and completed “What It Will Take”-a plan for developing a goal and how to work toward reaching their goal.

Getting Ready for the Conversation

Ali and Greg have goals but very different goals. Ali is focused on a short-term athletic competition goal. Greg is focused on a long-term career goal. Despite those differences both have much in common in what they do and how they approach reaching their goals.

Conversation Starters and Practice at Home

The first three items are for follow-up after viewing the lesson video and participating in class activities.

Tell us about your “What Will It Take” plan. Why did you choose this goal and why do you think the obstacles you came up with are reasonable?

Tell us about Ali. Was Ali successful in reaching her goal? Why or why not? (She did not come in first place in her race.)

Tell us about Greg. Do you think he will be successful in reaching his goals? Why or why not?

What are the important considerations when making a goal? Why do you think so?

Choose a goal you have or one that you would be willing to work toward. Who are the people who you would rely on in helping you reach this goal? What is their role? Why are other people important in helping reach a goal?

School to Home Resources on Goal Settings

Lesson Plan

Achieving our goals

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While talking about her individual and team goals for the upcoming season Ali says, “I am kind of hoping that we both [Ali and her teammate Riley] get in the top ten.” Why do you think it matters to Ali whether or not her teammate does well? Are goals easier to achieve if someone else is working with you to achieve the goal? Why or why not?

The importance of hard work

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Master Sergeant Robinson, a teacher at Greg’s school, says, “[Greg’s] a diligent worker and if he sets goals, he usually achieves those goals.” Do you think it is easy for Greg to achieve goals that he has set? Why or why not? Why do you think Master Sergeant Robinson also mentions that Greg is a “diligent worker”? How important is diligence and hard work in reaching goals?

Setting expectations

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Dr. Randall Flanery says, “Expectations are a very important tool in trying to improve performance. If you don’t set goals you won’t feel bad, but neither will you achieve.” What would your life be like without any goals in mind? How important do you think setting goals is to attaining achievement in your day-to-day life?

Goal setting facts

Read aloud, display on the screen, or distribute copies of the Goal Setting Facts handout. Discuss the following questions: Which fact do you think is most important to you when you think about setting a goal? Why do you think so? Do you have a goal for yourself that is important to reach? Write a goal for yourself using all five of these ideas. Why do you believe it is important to achieve this goal?